Tuesday, January 6, 2009

би-сайд "Фееричная Душа"

Мои новые треки вы сможете услышать не скоро. Опубликую, только когда альбом будет полностью готов. Года 2 пройдет, опыт с прошлым альбомом мне подсказывает, что так и будет.

Но, порадовать всё же есть чем. Уже успела сделать мастеринг давно готовому, старому треку, которому место на бонусном диске альбома "Life Without The Canvas (Bonus Tracks)". На этом диске ещё осталось место для би-сайдов! :)
Трек был создан 7 августа 2006. Рабочее название композиции - "Фееричная Душа" (4:24).
Жаль, в английском языке такого слова нет. Конечно можно интерпретировать как Magical, но я против... в жизни, упоминая этот трек, всегда называю его - "Фееричная Душа", привычка выработалась... ведь этому треку уже более двух лет. Колебалась целых два года, только сейчас решила все-таки назвать его по-русски. Он много-слоен, но состоит из одних виброфонов, которые звучат довольно стильно и психоделично:) Не самая любимая вещь, но не плохая.

Скачивайте и наслаждайтесь (192 bit rate)

P.S.: Кстати, знаю даты создания всех треков, могу предоставить полный список дат, описав ощущения и происходящие события, факты об этих треках. Возможно, кому то это будет интересно... но, пока нет времени подготовить такой пост. Это займет много времени...

Возвращаясь к прежнему образу жизни...

Отвыкла от создания музыки из-за постоянного, почти круглосуточного пребывания в соц. сети, на сайте vkontakte.ru, раскручивая свой альбом, администрируя в семи группах, постоянно общаясь с людьми. Это длилось почти весь год. В свою группу, вместе с помощником Михаилом, нам удалось пригласить более 800 человек. Какое-то время я отдыхала от творчества. Но потом пошел перебор и я приняла решение избавится от публичной жизни, навязчивого общения, абсолютно бесполезного времяпровождения, безделья. Лишила себя статуса "on-line". Знаю, там остались музыканты, завидующие моей решительности. Я вовремя одумалась, пока полностью не успела погрязнуть в глупой суете и забыть что такое настоящее творчество. Сейчас понадобится немало времени, чтобы перестать давить на себя, торопить, говорить себе, что должна делать всё идеально и быстро. Как истинный ценитель собственной музыки, сама жду с нетерпением нового альбома Dampness :). Сейчас, оборачиваясь назад, вспоминая прошлые годы, удивляюсь себе - как смогла сделать всё это? Всё гениально, насыщенно, гармонично слажено и кажется простым. Если звук мягкий - лепила, как из пластилина, если твердый - выдалбливала узоры, а если невесомый - вдыхала в него жизнь, пока вдохновение позволяло это делать, чтобы в тяжелые периоды жизни подпитываться счастливым прошлым, заключенным в музыкальную оболочку. Делала музыку с огромным удовольствием, не напрягаясь. Никто не торопил, ничто не отвлекало, кроме работы, которую я люблю. Могла сделать несколько треков за месяц, после чего столько же не открывать GarageBand. Самое лучшее что я могу сделать сейчас, это расслабиться. Многого не хватает: хорошей звуковой карты, миди-клавиатуры и качественно записывающего устройства, чтобы заниматься филд-рекордингом... финансовое положение и кризис в стране пока не дает восполнить нужду в вышеперечисленном :(

Начала создавать новое... сейчас это - филд-рекординг, в сочетании с атмосферным голосовым пением, вроде того, что в "Deep Night". Теперь использую экзотичные инструменты с разных уголков планеты: Японии, Китая, Индии, Африки, Тибета и т.д. Помимо этого, скачиваю с шумотек звуки из других стран. Любимые звуки дождя, ночных насекомых, лягушек и т.д. Я всегда изменяю их до неузнаваемости, как и те звуки, что сама записывала...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Начинаю работу над новым альбомом

С сегодняшнего дня и на протяжении 1-2 лет, я погружаюсь с головой в творческий процесс, снова начинаю писать музыку. Параллельно созданию нового материала, буду дорабатывать старый, не опубликованный. Я наконец-то смогла отыскать необходимый софт, отсутствие которого меня тормозило. Уже со вчерашнего дня я начала заниматься сведением хороших, но не доработанных треков.

Картина, которую я рисую с февраля 2008 года, до сих пор не дорисована, но почти готова. Жду вдохновение, чтобы закончить ее, покрыть лаком, переснять. О ней будет отдельный пост в блоге, потому что это особенная картина, впитавшая в себя все перемены произошедшие во мне за 2 года музыкальной деятельности. Она посвящена древней практике тибетских лам "Око Возрождения". Скорее всего этот холст будет обложкой к следующему альбому, к работе над которым я приступаю с сегодняшнего дня. Буду продолжать держать вас в курсе событий.


I begin work above a new album.
From now on and during 1-2 years, I plunge in creative process, I start to write music again. In parallel creation of a new material, I shall finish old, not published. I at last could find a necessary software, which absence me braked. Since yesterday I have started to be engaged in data good, but not modified tracks.
The picture which I draw since February, 2008, till now is not finished, but is almost ready. I wait inspiration to finish it, to varnish, make a copy. About it there will be a separate post in blog, because it is the especial picture which has absorbed in all of change events in me for 2 years of musical activity. It is devoted to an ancient practice of the Tibetan llamas " the Eye of Revival ". Most likely this canvas will be a cover to a following album, above which I start work from now on.

I shall continue to keep you posted events.


Новый wallpaper для рабочего стола:
(кликните, чтобы увеличить)
New wallpaper for a desktop: (click to increase)

The Biography

Dampness (Hristyuk Alyona Sergeevna) - musician, designer, model and poet. Was born on September, 2nd in the small ancient silent town Pskov, perhaps, in the most favorable place for creativity. Dampness is Alternative Electronic, Experimental, Instrumental, IDM, Ambient, Neoclassical project, generated in the beginning of 2006. Her art is created in connection with special perception of the natural phenomena, in particular such as, a rain and a fog, a cold and dampness which is necessary for she as to other people the sun. From here also has appeared her creative pseudonym - Dampness. Probably, not superfluous will tell, that in the beginning and in a basis of all was, all the same, drawing (canvases, oil paints, brushes), therefore music became natural continuation of a picturesque embodiment of conditions in the richest palette, already, musical canvases. And there was it approximately so: There were no paints, the canvas will be not not pulled in time on a underframe, and the inspiration does not wait, here and there was a simple decision - has glanced in a computer, and there, the idea has already lodged! - to splash out the inspiration in music as all one to one has converged - there was a program with the magic name "Garageband", for the first time having opened which on March, 16th 2006, has created the first track which has received then the name "Rain". This day the beginning was necessary to it not commercial project. It was enough a crude material which, later the long time interval, has been modified and renamed as "Nébuleux". Having mastered completely the program for couple of months, without someone's help from and auxiliary books, for the first time have appeared intentions to write down and publish an album, but anything explanatory it was impossible because of absence of an additional software.

Push to progress in musical creativity became new software, right after which installations, was created "Empty Street" on July, 13th, 2006. In each creation all soul was put. Sitting at home in headphones behind the Macintosh the twenty-four hours straight, inspired, practically completely isolated from dialogue, a dream and walks, she created more and more new material, constantly experimenting with a sound, deforming field records, sating music unexpected use of various tools, for example: notes of a harpsichord as much as possible put to each other in a track "Strange Night 25"; the deformed voice similar to a violin in a track "Strings Of Old Houses"; a sound in a track " November Stones Inverted 19 ", similar to movement and friction of cobble-stones, created in Native Instruments without field-recording. Sounds of a rain, wind, strange voices of the birds, constantly varying melody during each composition, merge of natural and electronic tools. An overall objective always was the desire to oversaturate composition - it is maximal to detail, not having missed any slightest nuance to enable the listener to plunge in atmospherical, magical stylishness and depth in each track.
The track "4th May. Morning Roofs" has been created after next night walking under a spring rain of 2007 and because of the big love to roofs of houses on which there is no opportunity to get and meet a sunrise. The new epoch, the new vision, a new stream of ideas and more critical perception of earlier creativity has begun with this track. Each track fixed especial emotional experiences, which never to return, better, than any photo. At each listening there is a real opportunity to go through anew left condition of all in some minutes. Her life has completely changed - any aspiration was gone will return to that time interval when she was not the musician.
When at April night from a window, suddenly, have begun to sound voices of strange birds, there was a fog with a smell of dampness in the old house... Sounds of these strange birds was recorded all the night long, and, after a while, have been cut on pieces and are processed. This sounds have suggested creations "Strange Night 25". More often as an impulse to creation of a new thing, records of field sounds began to serve. In many cases, strange sounds all over again was recorded and deformed, and the basic melody then was already written. Idea to create "Falling Tree" has appeared after a casual find - a sound of a falling tree. As a result, the short thing with the tragical end about a tree, as about the lonely spiritualized essence has been written. On November, 28th 2007 - the track "Please, Save My Heart..." on which creation some hours are has left all is created. This track embodies heart in all senses, spiritually and physically.
"Canvas" - as usual carefully worked, multilayered, as a complex organism. It is created on December, 2nd, 2006. Comprises rustling a brush on a canvas; the electronic sound changed under a voice; rhythmically collected multilayered mosaic from the organ, sounding as the whole big orchestra. A push to creation became the strange dream and huge love to drawing by oil on a canvas.

It is very important to note, what her music is devoted to an ancient practice of the Tibetan llamas - "the Eye of Revival" in which it is engaged more than two years. She created music specially to carry out under these five ritual actions also recommends it to all practising as original "soundtrack" to performance of these exercises, and all listeners recommends to practise "the Eye of Revival" because it is powerful system of improvement, rejuvenescence and increases of power of an organism. Regular performance of five ritual actions can not only restore health, but also give new opportunities in the spiritual and power sphere.

Dampness conducts the extremely solitary way of life, keeps away from an external world, she is allocated by strong power, and desire to raise the spiritual level. Her opinion - music should comprise the most powerful, uncontrollable stream of crystal-clear power of musician, influencing to listener extremely favorably. Aspires to create music that from listening the spiritual pacification was reached. Unique days, the especial rare moments of happiness, ease and enlightenments it aspires to keep in creativity. Even being in strong depression, writes music which helps from it to get out.

Unique of published, gothicly gloomy track - "Undergo Trials", is created on January, 25th 2008, a basis of its melody became a sound created by change up to unrecognizability of voices of animals and night rustling sounds. Voices became very strange, similar on beyond the grave. The melody put on these sounds, and result have been written to the same day - a track about the died people, but not calmed down after death which live among us, furiously wish to be heard and eat power of alive people. It is the most gloomy track is not entered into the first disk only because it is not entered in the general condition of an album and breaks its integrity.

Last track, under the name "Layers" has been written down on February, 11th 2008 which melody has dreamed to Dampness in a dream, then, she is fast on hearing has made it In GarageBand. On a cover of an album one of her favourite pictures, written prior to the beginning of musical activity, and the name of album " Life Without The Canvas " it is logical, because Dampness the artist drawing since the early childhood. On an extent the record of an album continued of 2 years, she has completely refused a canvas, paints and brushes. But for these years not having forgot nearly to draw, after end of record of an album at once has started to write a picture which writes till now and is going to use it as a cover of a new disk in which record she will borrow in the beginning of 2009.

She does not aspire to conclude the contract with a label, to belong to someone together with the creativity. Knowing, that on experimental music you will not earn much, she distributes it free of charge, wishing to involve all seldom meeting, fans of alternative, experimental, sincere creativity. Probably, albums will be published by small exclusive circulation, as the author's edition with the signature which can be got from a personal exhibition of its pictures. But when it will be, while precisely it is impossible to assume.